Blacktopia: How did you get involved with The Queen City Dollz?
Doll Lady Laureate: I met Belinda, aka Doll Hollywood, at the Womens Entrepreneurs Network and started going to the Authors Showcase selling my books here in Charlotte and Durham with the group and me and Doll Hollywood really connected. We lost contact and one day she found me on Facebook. Belinda stated she was looking for me, and had since joined The Elite D.O.L.L.Z. of Faith starting her own Chapter here in Charlotte and because of my deliverance from Domestic Violence and all I had to offer she felt like I would fit in. At that time my life was spiraling due to hurts and feeling alone. God sent them to me at the right time when I needed Sisters the most to remind me again the Woman God was creating me to be. I was inducted in September, 2019 with the name Doll Lady Laureate.
Blacktopia: Being an advocate of victims of domestic violence, what inspired you to work with that particular group? Could you tell us a little about your story?
Doll Lady Laureate: I was married to a man who literally busted my left eardrum 2 weeks into the marriage, believing he was sorry, I continued to stay. 5 years later, through multiple surgeries, early pregnancy and almost losing my life, it hurt me more to watch my 3 sons witnessing it all. I prayed and was determined that I did not want my sons growing up thinking this is the way to treat a Woman. By the Grace of God a plan was set in place and if he knew I was leaving he would have killed me. After starting my life over I wrote my pain on paper and a woman heard my story she approached me and asked ‘How did you know”, I said “Know what” and she said “Your poem is my story” I knew then that God was pulling me out of my comfort zone. I was ashamed for anyone to know the abuse I endured for so long, now this woman approaching me with her children by her side. Looking at her I saw me and my boys, at that very moment all I could hear was “I saved you, now someone else needs to be saved” and from there on became my quest in advocating for Victims of Domestic Violence.
Blacktopia: Could you tell us a little more about your poetry pieces and where the readers can check them out?
Doll Lady Laureate: All of my pieces are literally my blood, sweat and tears, some bittersweet but it all comes from what I have been through, seen or was just sick and tired of. From domestic violence, addiction, bullying, race, gun violence. I am more of a conscious, spiritual and awareness poet who pours out her heart for the injustice that surrounds us every day, where others have become so desensitized to. I currently have a total of 5 books, “A Butterfly Called Rainbow – 5 Books of Poetic Healing”, “Quotes & Haikus Volume 1 – Sunrise”, “Quotes & Haikus Volume 2 – Sunset”, “Depths of Solitude”, and “Love Unspoken”. All Available on under the name Nickole Williams.
Purchase books from Nickole Williams AKA Doll Lady Laureate
"Love Unspoken" by Nickole Williams
Amazon Link: Nickole Williams - Love Unspoken
"Quotes & Haikus: Much Ado" Volume 1. SunRise by Nickole Williams
Amazon Link: Nickole Williams - Quotes and Haikus Much Ado Vol 1
"Depths of Solitude" by Nickole Williams
Amazon Link: Nickole Williams - Depths of Solitude"A Butterfly Called Rainbow" by Nickole Williams
Amazon Link: Nickole Williams - A Butterfly Called Rainbow"Quotes & Haikus: Much Ado" Volume 2. SunSet by Nickole Williams
Amazon Link: Nickole Williams - Quotes and Haikus Much Ado Vol 2
Blacktopia: If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and why?
Doll Lady Laureate (Nickole Williams): Love, If we can have more love in our hearts, we will not just see that homeless person on the street and walk on by, we will have compassion, buy them some food. If we had more love our children won’t get bullied or be the bully, committing suicides, murdering babies, mental illness on a high rise. Sometimes we are so busy just surviving we forget that the Greatest of These is love. No one wants to be alone or settling just because. Every negative act can have an adverse effect on our life, how we react can determine our outcome, if we all do it in Love then it becomes contagious that we cannot help but pour into one another. Love is the Unit that binds the Unity and Community together by Communing as one.
Blacktopia: What is an interesting fact that you would like to share with the readers?
Doll Lady Laureate (Nickole Williams): I am like Damon Wayans character back in the days of Living Color, I don’t just have one job, I have, 2, 3, 4, etc. monnnn lol. That is why My Sistah Keepa Doll Carah named me Doll Lady Laureate, her words “You can do MANY jobs but you do not fit in ANY category”. I am just me I trust God and walk into whatever job he needs me to fill and give it 110% and more..
Blacktopia: Is there anything else you would like to plug or mention in this interview that hasn't been covered already?
Doll Lady Laureate (Nickole Williams): I would like to let the readers know that under The Elite D.O.L.L.Z. of Faith, D.O.L.L.Z. is an acronym for Delivered of Lifes Lessonz, we not only have Dollz but we have Kingz, Sistaz and Brothaz whom have been delivered from homelessness, abuse, addictions and so forth and because of our deliverance we reach back out in the community to give a hand up, not out, to be a reminder to the community that we have been there, let us lift you up too for you are not ALONE!
Blacktopia: Is there anything you would like to plug or shout out?
Doll Lady Laureate (Nickole Williams): Shout Out to My 3 Sons/My Family, My E.D.O.F. Family/Queen City D.O.L.L.Z. and Charlotte, NC Community because it takes a Village. There are many Unsung Heroes in Our Village, Men and Women, who do a lot more yet not seen, Pillars who are the Glue So a Big Shout Out to Everyone. Last but not least, I would like to Shout You Out, Jonathan Coleman (founder of the Blacktopia Platform and The Media Blast PR) for bringing so many people who are following their dreams together, through Blacktopia, BlogtalkRadio and your networking outlets it allows not only businesses to thrive but it gives a voice to the people that there are many resources that do exist if we stay connected. So thank you for all you do and having me as a speaker. I appreciate it dearly.
Nickole Williams AKA Doll Lady Laureate will facilitate the upcoming Purple & Pearls: "Quintessence" Domestic Violence Awareness Event on Oct. 15th
The Month of Oct. is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and The Elite Dollz of Faith Charlotte, NC Chapter AKA "The Queen City Dollz" plan to bring awareness, education and healing for victims and family members of victims of domestic violence with their upcoming event Purple & Pearls this Saturday, Oct. 15th between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM in Charlotte, NC.
The Event is being presented as a segment within the Charlotte Black Family Reunion Event held at The Movement Freedom School 2701 Freedom Drive in Charlotte, NC.
Blacktopia, The Media Blast PR, Blast Against Cancer and many other prominent black owned businesses are sponsoring the event!
DJ MourningGlory will provide the sound and music for the upcoming event!
Yvonne Johnson is the keynote speaker for the Purple & Pearls Event.
President of The Queen City Dollz Nickole Williams (AKA Lady Laureate) will facilitate and organize the event.
Special Guests and Speakers Include....
* Carla "Doll Empire" Langford
* Tiffany L. Brown
* Angela Thomas Smith
* Louisa "Doll Sussta Diva" Maxwell
* Cindy "Doll Faith" Smith
Get more details on EventBrite
PURPLE & PEARLS "QuintEssence" Tickets, Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite
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I love that your heart is so pure and forever giving Nicole. Thank you for all you do. Jonathan also keep it up.