Positivity Breeds Positivity
by Lea Mishell

Hello Loves!! If you've been following along with my journey, thank you. Trust me, it has been QUITE the rollercoaster ride!
For the most part, I'm a positive person and I find that my day goes smoother when I keep a positive mindset. However, I've had my share of disappointments. Looking back on my pre-poly days, my self-esteem was not the highest. I often confused lust and sex with love and affection which may explain the fact that I've never been monogamous nor was I truly happy when I pretended to be what I wasn't. Once I accepted the fact that I am not meant to love others the way society assumes I should, I was blessed to already be with someone that accepts me as I am, completely. He didn't want me to suppress my feelings and emotions toward him or anyone else. In return, I encourage him to do the same.
Our life has improved so much from our shared love and positive outlook on life. When I first met Hubby, he said he wanted to help me achieve my dream of becoming a full-time author. Neither he nor I had a set plan on how to achieve this goal but we both had faith that we would not only see this but ALL of our dreams coming true simply from the strength of our growing love for each other! Each day, I write a chapter or promote a book in my effort to do my part to get closer to my career. In over 7 years together, not once do I recall asking Hubby what he was doing toward MY dream (unless you count me complaining about my PayJob). Instead, I pushed him toward his own goals. This is Love. This is Positivity. With that kind of energy bouncing back and forth, many awesome things have happened for us. No, not every day is perfect but those days give us lessons to learn and grow from. We don't want to stress and struggle to enjoy our life together. We work smarter, not harder. Soon, I'll tell you how I transitioned from proletarian to entrepreneur but until then, I suggest you rethink everything until everything is positive. Trust me, it works!!
If you would like to submit a question to SHARE THE LOVE, send an email to BlacktopiaBusiness@gmail.com with SHARE THE LOVE QUESTION in the subject line.
Polyamorous and striving to be Permanently Positive, Lea Mishell is a wife, mother of 3, and an author of urban fairy tales and erotica. Her works can be found at www.leanpub.com/b/TheLeaMishellCollection
SHARE THE LOVE is published exclusively for Blacktopia.org
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Blacktopia Presents Round Table Talk Radio hosted by Barbara the Cuntry Cleaning Lady, Ms. Marie Jones and Some Guy Named Jay every Tuesday Night from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST.
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